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Just Say "I'm Sorry"

You don't know how I feel; please don't tell me that you do 
There's just one way to know--have you lost a child too?
"You'll have another child"--must I hear this every day? 
Can I get another mother, too, if mine should pass away?

Don't say it was "God's will"--that's not the God I know. 
Would God, on purpose, break me heart, then watch as my tears flow? 
"You have an angel in heaven--a precious child above."
But tell me, to whom here on earth shall I give this love?

"Aren't you better yet?" Is that what I heard you say? 
No! A part of my heart aches and I'll always feel some pain.
You think that silence is kind, but it hurts me even more.
I want to talk about my child who has gone through death's door.

Don't say these things to me, although you do mean well. 
They do not take my pain away; I must go through this hell. 
I will get better, slow but sure--and it helps to have you near. 
But a simple "I'm sorry you lost your child" is all I need to hear.

To my baby
The one I can't hold
The one I won't see
Is what I'm told

I felt your little spirit
Living in me
Though such a short time
It was precious you see

My life seemed so perfect
My dream would come true
My own little bundle
Whether pink or blue

Everyone loved you
Just waiting to see
Would you look like your daddy
Or exactly like me

These are the things
We will never know
Because God in heaven
Said you needed to go

He must have his reasons
I can't yet understand
Did he come down to get you
Did he hold out his hand

Someday you can tell me
About His sweet embrace
As he took you from me
To that wonderful place

Until that day comes
Don't be afraid
Heaven is safe
For us it was made

I won't say goodbye
I can't cuz you see
You'll always be
A part of me

I love you my baby
My sweet little one
I'll see you again
When my time here is done